Online Toxicity Assessment

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Online Toxicity Assessment

Online Toxicity Assessment:

Treatment of addiction starts with assessment of toxicity level. As you chat with us online. Homoeopathic drug energy is transmitted via computing network as and when you want to start the treatment. The doctor sets up the procedure of toxicity assessment using any of the three following procedures.

  1. By Smoking– In this procedure, the person is asked to smoke and the medicine is transmitted. As a result the person looses taste of tobacco gradually. The potency of the Detoxin is changed, Ultimately he gets no taste of tobacco howsoever. The potency of Detoxin causing complete absence of taste/flavour of tobacco is given orally.
  2. By Olfaction– In this case, the person is asked to smell Tobacco/ Alcohol and Detoxin is transmitted. As a result, of Tobacco/Alcohol gets diminished. Potency of Detoxin is changed. At one stage, the smell vanishes completely. This potency of Detoxin is given orally.
  3. After onset of withdrawal Syndrome– Addicts are made to sit in front of computer and transmission is carried out. By virtue of transmission, addicts feel relief in the intensity of their withdrawal syndrome. Potency of Detoxin is changed until they get complete relief from their withdrawal symptoms. This potency of Detoxin, giving complete relief is given orally